Supplementing the evidence from clinical trials

Real world evidence

Real world evidence is becoming more and more important for success in market access – particularly to convince payers and other stakeholders. The key is to obtain high quality real world data and to process and present this data in the right way.

co.value has substantial expertise in the generation and analysis of real world evidence. For the analysis of primary data we cooperate closely with you to develop suitable study designs and analysis plans in order to support the positioning of your product, for example through the collection of primary data on patient preferences. We then carry out these studies in a timely manner. For the analysis of secondary data, we obtain e.g. data from registries or health care data of the statutory health insurance and provide you with a well-founded statistical evaluation.

Our aim: To quickly and reliably provide valid data that supports your strategic goals in market access.

R e a l W o r l d E v i d e n c e R e a l W o r l d D a t a C a r e g i v e r b u r d e n D r u g s a f e t y C o u r s e o f d i s e a s e H e a l t h e c o n o m i c s P a t i e n t b e n e fi t E v e r y d a y t h e r a p y L o n g - t e r m d a t a P a t i e n t p r e f e r e n c e s

How you can benefit from our services:

  • Accurate secondary data evaluation, e.g. health care data of the German statutory health insurance (GKV)
  • Thorough support for the generation and analysis of primary data (physicians’ and patients’ preferences)
  • Many years of experience in data preparation and writing of publications
  • Convincing visual data presentation with infographics, brochures and our digital presentation tool®