Take off in Germany with your pharmaceuticals or medical devices

Germany is the country in Europe with the highest expenditure on pharmaceuticals and medical devices. For this reason, it is not surprising that the German market is very attractive for many companies. However, Germany is also a country with many hurdles and complex regulations, especially for innovative drugs, which make market access in Germany extremely challenging and difficult. 

The good news: co.value has already supported many companies to get their drug or medical device reimbursed in Germany. co.value demonstrates the value of your pharmaceuticals, medical devices and digital health applications in Germany – with expertise, motivation and passion. Learn more about our services and contact us for a first consultation on the optimal solution for your project.

co.value White Papers

Our white papers give you more orientation in the complex world of market access. All white papers (in German) can be requested free of charge.

  • Die Preisverhandlung von DIGA mit dem GKV-SV
  • 10 häufige Fehler im AMNOG-Verfahren
  • Advisory Board Meetings im Market Access
  • Vom Market Access zum Patient Access
  • Surrogate in der frühen Nutzenbewertung
  • Frühe Nutzenbewertung: Wie Sie vom Beratungsgespräch beim G-BA profitieren
  • Indirekte Vergleiche in der Nutzenbewertung
  • Zusammenarbeit mit ärztlichen Experten im Market Access
  • Die Value Story im Market Access

Our clients

We are hiring

co.value is growing. We offer exciting opportunities in a promising industry with the potential to work independently on customer projects. Interested?

Click here for vacancies. (German)