Our team
At co.value we have a multi-professional team of dedicated physicians, health economists, statisticians and scientists. With many years of experience in market access and benefit assessment, we know how to achieve the best possible results for you as a client.
Dr. Holger Müller
Co-Managing Director
Dr. Julia A. Gaebler
Managing Director
Lisa Kiesel, Pharmacist
Dr. Linda Sawade
Dr. Bastian Gaus
Dr. Juliane Schreier
Dr. Christiane Ring
Lisa Kramer, M. Sc.
Dr. Susanne Neureuther-Keckeis
Dr. Stefan Baumanns
Dr. Kai Lucaßen
Julian Radlinger, M. Sc.
Dr. Alexander Boreham
Dr. Philipp Bauknecht
Dr. Michael Wördehoff
Dr. med. vet. Anne Beiersdorf
Dr. med. Juliane Scholz
Leonie Hirt, M. Sc.
Lucia Rohfleisch, M. Sc.
Miriam Fischer, B. A.
Hans Hirsch, B. A.
Nurunnisa Sari, M. Sc.