Price negotiation

Client situation

We prepared a benefit dossier for our client within the scope of the benefit assessment according to section 35a of the SGB V. The client’s medicinal product was considered to have a minor additional benefit. The client, inexperienced in reimbursement negotiations, requested the company´s support for subsequent negotiations with the GKV-Spitzenverband,

Our solution

The team, collaborating with an experienced negotiation lawyer, thoroughly prepared the client's negotiating team, including developing a strategy for handling objections. With regard to the price negotiation, we prepared presentation materials for our client. Afterwards, we accompanied the client in four negotiation meetings at the GKV-Spitzenverband in Berlin. Due to our extensive knowledge of the benefit dossier, we were able to support the client actively in the negotiations.

Client benefits

The client successfully secured a reimbursement rate, satisfying both the German branch and the company's headquarters.